Sunday 3 January 2010

Dangerous Wildlife

For the most part Mallorca is not dangerous. Sure there are gangs robbing public busses and sometimes there is police armed with MGs patrolling the streets, but that's just humans.. !
So at first I thought that's it. But then I learned there is actual dangerous wildlife here.

The first, which I have not actually encountered yet, is the common snapping turtle. I never saw turtles as a source of danger until now. These ones are supposedly capable of biting off your hand and they are also fast moving!
Not the slow helpless thing I had in mind when I thought of tortoises. They even have claws, surely the only thing missing would be spikes on their shells.(Image is courtesy of Wikipedia)

Then there are Thaumetopoeidae caterpillars.. When I was a kid it was: "Look a caterpillar" not "Stay away from caterpillars! They are dangerous." How so ? Well it doesn't bite off anything it just has nasty bristles which easily break off to become airborne death threats. That is, if you breathe those bristles in. Just coming into contact with them isn't enjoyable either, resulting in rashes and pruritus.
You can see a nest, of which I have seen many today, on the image (which is also courtesy of Wikipedia).

So even turtles and caterpillars are dangerous!

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