Sunday, 31 January 2010

Traveling and equipment

If you go travel for longer periods, you have to carefully consider what to take along and what not. I thought I'd post every now and then what proved useful and what didn't, as it might be useful to others. ;)

I bought most of the things at (you can also find the link in my link section) they basically offer everything a traveler needs and also deliver to other countries than Germany. ( I had them deliver things to Spain, that weren't on store when I was still in Germany)
However it didn't make sense to buy everything beforehand because I'd have to carry things around half a year before I put them to use eventually. ;)

Well let's start with something I didn't buy and why. Functional Clothing. The main reason was just price. The more affordable products all had mixed reviews. Then the wool products would have been a risk as I've never worn wool and don't know how my skin would have reacted (some people really can't wear wool clothing). Lastly also some South America travelers advised against it and said cotton products would make more sense. So I just stayed with cheap cotton products, which can be cheaply replaced on the road. ;) Downside more clothing is required and thus more weight, but so far I am still light enough on the weight side of things.. ;)

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