Monday, 24 May 2010

I think Spain hates me!

I have been looking for a 'piso' here for almost a month now without success. The tent was attacked by 'wild natives' and then yesterday it rained, even though they predicted rain for Wednesday as the soonest!
I also found the friendliest people here in Spain are foreigners, or so it seems to me so far. Maybe this is just due to the fact, that most Spaniards don't speak anything but Spanish.

Perhaps I should flee Spain before it gets worse!

I have to admit though, I think most people I talked to around here are actually not Spanish. (Which is a bit weird, in itself)

Friday, 21 May 2010

It was a tent

So just the day after my last entry it happened. They threw stones at the tent. The result: 3 holes and a broken tent pole. The tent is still usable .. as long as it doesn't rain. Of course now I am not protected from nasty insects anymore. The first mosquito came by this morning took a bit of my blood and payed the ultimate price for it. *sigh*
I left 2 notes that to either pay 30 €uros or the stones with their fingerprints will go to the police.. Yesterday one of the notes was missing, so I presume they got the message. I'll see if this works out.
There are really many strange people around here. There is also a guy running around in underwear on the field every or almost every day.
Then yesterday I think I found the place where female prostitutes are. There was a strange woman. At first when I saw her, I thought she was just one of these slightly strange and extroverted people. She looked like Pippi Langstrumpf from the style of her clothing and she was walking around as if she was looking for something. Then she noticed me looking at her(I was walking behind her) and she stared at me. I just thought: "yeah, slightly weird" and passed her. Well after a while I noticed she was following me, that is to a certain point. When it became obvious that I was leaving the parking zone(without a car) and didn't wait for her, she turned around and continued to behave the way she was behaving when I first saw her. So, I suppose she was a prostitute looking for customers. Still, the style of clothing.. just strange.

Monday, 17 May 2010

.... Intermissions!

Maybe I'll just keep up with the intermissions for now - its just a bit difficult to write anything, living in a tent. :D I can't take the laptop to the tent either and it has proven to be a smart move that I didn't.. not just because of the humidity. Last Saturday someone, or more likely a few someones broke into my tent, while I was not around. Luckily they didn't steal anything, but they really searched through all my things .. well all my things that were in the tent. The most valuable thing in the tent was my sleeping bag. Everything else I had either with me or is stored in a secure location. Well I am going to use a lock now. Hopefully that won't inspire the next fool to use a knife..

Well I am still alive and nothing is missing. There are a lot of strange things going on here and now I have mail order bride advertisements on my blog again. I wonder how Google got the idea that this has anything to do with my blog! Maybe traveling to these locations indicates a high likelyhood of being interested in such things.

When I tried to walk to the mountains - it was on Friday I think - I took the road that is apparently frequented by male homosexuals looking for prostitutes. When walking there I had a few guys in car masturbating while watching me and one stalked me for a while.. I don't know, but since I am traveling it seems to me prostitution is everywhere. I guess it is not chance, that this is so close to university either.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Keeping up on the Intermissions

One more intermission .. or at least that's the plan currently. ;)
I am going to move to a tent now. I bought the tent already. I just haven't found a good spot to set it up yet.
Somehow most CS hosts around here are already 'booked out', so I'll live in the tent for a while until I find an affordable appartement or a job, or better even both.

On a side note I had two visitors from Spain today(to the blog!). Strange coincidence. I wonder how they ended up on my blog. They didn't come from Facebook and I don't think I told anyone of the blog who would show up as Spanish. Anyways Bienvenidos!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Another intermission

Another intermission before I continue with my travel report. Just a short one. I arrived in Madrid on the 29th of April and am staying with students in Alcala de Henares now. The funny thing is I had my luggage searched when I entered the airport in Tanger. Apparently they thought my soap were drugs or explosives or whatever. Luckily my things can be packed and unpacked rather easily and they also didn't take everything out. This makes me think I could probably smuggle easily.

I have not actually seen Madrid yet .. but there is plenty of time. Today is the first day that I managed to log in though, because usually Google is not working here..most of the time. It seems there is some kind of conspiracy against Google in the south. I had problems with Google services in Morocco and now here. Although I think here it is the University blocking Google most of the time. On the other hand a tracert shows a very long path to the Google servers. Maybe the Internet connections in Spain (and Morocco) are just set up in a very bad manner. Well I made a hosts entry now, maybe that will help. Time will tell.