Monday, 1 November 2010


So after another longer hiatus I find the time again for an entry into the blog(actually since I am currently not traveling, there also isn't that much of interest to write about. Of course I should take the time to continue my account of the things that happened in Morocco..).
I have been gone from Germany for almost a full year now, and I still don't plan on going back. However being gone for so long takes its tolls. I tried my German SIM card yesterday and lo and behold the provider has illegally "let it expire", as there was some money left and at least a while ago it was deemed illegal practice to just expire SIM cards like that(well maybe it was legal if they gave you back your money). Also my year long travel health insurance is nearing its end and other things will call for their yearly renewal. So there are quite a few bureaucratic things to take care of..
It also is starting to get cold in Madrid, together with not taking any suitable winter clothing with me(as I was planning to stay in warm areas all the time) and the badly isolated walls (actually isolated is not a befitting term..), windows and doors, this would have become a problem. Luckily though I had three awesome guests last weekend (Julia, Eleni and Julia, in order of appearance) which helped me overcome the clothing problem.
Of course the heating costs will explode anyways during the winter I presume.. I am thinking of options to soften this a bit, but currently it seems I can't really do anything. Everything that would help would probably not be worth it (the kitchen wall for example is a pure joke. So when it hits -5°C here in Madrid, the kitchen will be basically a way to burn money.
I have pondered this a few month ago already and I presume the only solution is to move somewhere else. Which is a pity since the flat actually is nice, at least in the summer and not considering my flatmates..
The difficult thing is, that it is probably rather difficult right now to find something else. Anyways I don't want to move for the time being. I'll stay at least until Dec. 23rd I think. Then it'll depend on several things, the main factor is work. If I won't get another contract extension/new contract the likelihood that I stay in Madrid is pretty low. ;) After all rent is pretty steep here. ;) 

Any ideas for quick and dirty isolation tricks that help even with paper thin walls with holes in them and 1 layered glass doors in crude metal frames are very welcome. ;)

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